


Hamish Ostride Labs

Hamish Lister

Senior Content Manager

Hamish is a senior content manager at Ostride Labs. Hamish’s diverse background in technical research, analysis and market demand are the main drivers behind the topics he enjoys exploring and writing about.

Top 10 DevOps Things to Be Grateful for in 2022

Updated 20 Jan 2022


After a year of hardship caused by the global pandemic, we thought we’d start off 2022 by looking back at one of the things that made 2021 bearable, DevOps.


This amalgamation of practices, cultural philosophies, and tools has continued to evolve since its inception in 2007, automating and integrating timely and complex processes that exist between IT and development teams. 


This cultural shift in collaboration and working practices has accelerated software development and deployment dramatically, allowing organizations to deliver high-quality services and applications at a faster rate to better serve their customers and surpass their competition.


The benefits are truly endless, but we’ll do our best to point out the top 10 things to be grateful for when it comes to DevOps.


Improved Agility and Efficiency


The overall increase in agility and efficiency that DevOps provides in both proactive and reactive scenarios is something that organizations are extremely grateful for. In the cut-throat world of software and app development, the difference between success and failure could come down to a little update being released a day or so earlier. 

DevOps’ key attributes that facilitate this improvement in efficiency, namely microservices, GitOps, and containerization, provide a key advantage in modern business scenarios. The agility and modularity provided by DevOps ensure consistently quick responses to unpredictable requirements, a critical component of a successful infrastructure. 


Dismantling Silos


A typical IT department contains certified professionals who specialize in four or five disciplines. DevOps helps to eliminate the barriers between various teams and sub-teams like development and operations, for example.

Thanks to DevOps, the obsolete, linear operation that involved one team completing their tasks and then passing it on to another team to complete their tasks is no more. Now, the approach to development and deployment is much more flexible, enabling It departments to be more responsive to changes in market conditions.


Digital Transformation


Business operations of all kinds across a variety of sectors are experiencing digital transformations being driven by technological innovation. Resourceful digital services that are intended to improve the customer experience, as well as employee productivity, are constantly being created. Software is at the center of this transformation, and DevOps is facilitating it.

DevOps is essential for the timely delivery of high-quality digital services. As digital transformations continue their successful upward trajectory, organizations all over the world should be very grateful for DevOps. It could even be said that the many benefits of its adoption truly come down to the fact that it’s a critical component in successful digital transformations. 




Created by Google, this vastly functional and highly complex IT platform has cemented itself as a key component of DevOps. It is now the gold standard for creating, deploying, scaling, and modifying containerized cloud-based applications. The utility it provides to both large multinational corporations and SMEs to seamlessly up or downscale depending on IT and cloud infrastructure is remarkable. While it can become more accessible, plenty of IT engineers should be very grateful for the existence of Kubernetes.


Improved Stability and Quality


For organizations that have embraced DevOps, each team member is responsible for creating an application or piece of software that functions as intended. Regardless of the department – quality, stability, performance, UX, security, and marketing are shared goals and responsibilities. 

DevOps as a practice ensures everything is always under control – every alteration is tracked and everyone understands the influence on quality each release has. Therefore, while DevOps makes software delivery faster, it also improves stability and quality. 

One prominent indicator of this attribute is its ability to drive frequent, high-quality releases, which also implies finding and resolving issues quicker, finally resulting in more time to focus on quality and innovations.

Increased Productivity Through Teamwork


At its core, DevOps is about working together, and quickly, to reap the rewards of its tools. Reexamining the availability of staging servers, how tasks are separated between developers, QA, and ops, etc. can have a significant impact on business performance and success. 

Aside from the excellent tools associated with it, DevOps introduces a set of work practices that add efficiency and discipline to the software development process.



GitOps is an operating model for cloud-native development used for automation that provides a collection of best practices that unify stages of the application and containerized cluster lifecycle. Recently becoming a key component of DevOps, it helps organizations consistently meet delivery goals. With operational efficiency and proficiency becoming increasingly aligned with delivering quality software, incorporation of GitOps has become essential to compete in the market. 

Optimized Processes


By replacing the slow, flawed traditional waterfall process with a constant pipeline between development-operations, teams adapt to releasing small changes more frequently, are able to catch problems in close to real-time, and respond with quick, proactive solutions. 

Cost Savings


A firm focus on quality and performance throughout the development and maintenance lifecycle ensures DevOps teams prevent entrenched issues from causing long-lasting damage. Avoiding timely and unnecessary reworks that could cross over into customer satisfaction, etc. results in enhanced profitability and a competitive advantage.

With DevOps enabling automation and productivity, lean DevOps teams are more likely to persist. Additionally, automation clears the need for specialists. Businesses can train generalists across DevOps disciplines without having to pay premium rates. 

Improved ROI of Data


Another financial benefit provided by DevOps is the improved ability for organizations to translate data into money faster than before. Businesses should be very grateful for saved time and money thanks to DevOps processes automating Big Data tools. It is also possible to recover costs quickly and significantly reduce response time, improving overall profitability.




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